Bite Guard

If you grind your teeth at night (a condition known as bruxism) you may not even know it. Most people don’t realize it until they visit the dentist for a checkup. Our dental team at Seaway Dental Group PLLC sees the long-term effects and damage that untreated bruxism can cause including frequent headaches, sore, achy jaws and worn down, weak teeth. This issue is more common than you might realize, but our dental team can provide you with custom mouth guards to prevent dental damage and other complications from happening.

What does a bite guard do?

This special dental device fits over your upper and lower teeth and is designed to protect your teeth whenever you grind your teeth or clench your jaw. The jaw is incredibly powerful and has the ability to wear down teeth if you don’t provide your teeth with some protection. A bite guard can help to prevent excessive wear and tear that can occur with nighttime bruxism.

Can I just get a bite guard over the counter?

There are a lot of mouthguards that you can find over the counter that you simply have to boil in water and then bite down on to make an impression; however, while these drugstore bite guards are inexpensive they don’t often provide the superior protection and fit that someone needs to protect their smile from nocturnal teeth grinding.

Professional bite guards made from our Seaway Dental Group PLLC team offer,

A perfect fit: A custom bite guard will provide a comfortable fit, so you’re less likely to deal with irritation or sore spots.

An effective treatment: We will take dental impressions first to make sure that we craft a bite guard that perfectly fits over your teeth. This snug fit ensures optimal results.

A bite guard that lasts: Unlike the mouth guards found at the local drugstore, our custom bite guards are made from medical-grade materials, which means that bite guards can easily last up to five years with the proper care.

Easy cleaning and care: Our dental team can also provide recommendations and tips for how to keep your bite guard clean and properly cared for, which can also improve its longevity.

If you grind your teeth at night,
our dentists can provide you with a custom-fitted bite guard to help protect your smile while you catch those ZZZs.
Call our office located in Port Huron, MI at (810) 982-5334 today to learn more and book a visit!

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